Mariska and Alon’s story began in the most glamorous of places: the bathroom queue of a cozy (and smelly) Geneva bar, La Ferblanterie, on January 12, 2019. As they waited impatiently for their turn, they shared a laugh and felt a spark—only for their romantic debut to be foiled when the toilet door finally opened. A few months later, fate brought them together again at work. Alon, the friendly NGO guy with long hair, attended one of Mariska’s meetings, and soon they were collaborating on projects and bonding over drinks at the Bains des Pâquis. Alon may or may not have complimented Mariska’s eyes (he denies it to this day), but their friendship blossomed over sushi nights and shared playlists.
Then came a certain crisis related to a surge in face masks sales. Stuck on opposite sides of the world at different times, they grew even closer through late-night calls and endless conversations. Back in Geneva, they spent countless hours cooking, cuddling on the couch, and pretending to be "just friends"—despite Mariska’s grandma growing suspicious of the "Jesus look-alike" hanging her lamps and fixing her LP player. After 2.5 years of friendship, a few accidental kisses on Mariska’s birthday changed everything. Three weeks later, curiosity won over caution, and their friendship officially evolved into romance.
Barely a year into dating, life threw another curveball: Mariska landed a job in Mozambique. Not ones to do things the traditional way, they decided to get married in Geneva on 19 September, 2022—surprising their families and friends but sealing their love story before embarking on their next adventure. Now, almost three years later and speaking some mediocre Portuguese, they’re thrilled to finally celebrate this journey with all of you in beautiful Sermizelles!